Love is what keeps us alive. The act of nurture is an act of true love. A mother’s impulse to love and protect her child is an instinct hard-wired into her brain. It’s pure feminine magic.

We would like to applaud the nurturers of the world. Though nurturing your loved ones may be second nature, nurturing yourself is an equally important practice. Like a seedling needs water and sunshine to grow, your soul needs attention to blossom. Be kind to yourself. If you ignore your own needs, you cannot thrive. Treat yourself as a loving mother would and have compassion for your flaws. You’re human.

Cheryl Strayed, author of the popular book turned Hollywood movie, Wild, also wrote Tiny, Beautiful Things, a collection of letters and responses from her anonymous Rumpus advice column, “Dear Sugar”. Curl up in a cozy cashmere throw on the couch with a cup of chamomile tea, or slip into a warm bubble bath with Privai’s Bath and Body Oil to enjoy this honest and tenderhearted book that acts as a balm for everything life throws our way.

In a world that trains us towards success, pausing and just being isn’t included in the equation. Learn to recharge your battery. Carve the time out of your schedule for a nature walk with only you and the wild flowers. Think and breathe deeply. Turn on a meditation app to be mindful as you move. You will find it incredibly uplifting.

During the month of Mother’s Day, the season of appreciating the beauty of nurture, tend to your skin with healing Privai botanicals. You always deserve it.